
this is true ethnical intergration

Wednesday 30 June 2010

who needs clothes, when you've got warmth in a bottle?

hey just before you read this, if you're a new set of eyes to my blog, you need to read from the post at the BOTTOM OF THE PAGE, or you wont understand what's going on. just a tip because i don't want you to think im weird, but i can't be arsed with explaining all over again.
Anywho. this story is dedicated to Suzy Lockwood, because she asked for it to be that way.
the first day that our russian friend arrived, which was last friday, we picked her up from the village hall, grabbed her things and walked back to our house. When we arrived home, we noticed that her bag was unexplicably heavy... but with that, my parents sent me to take it up to her room, and i set it on the bed.
a while later, small russian girl drags me and the famalam upstairs, and starts to unpack her bag...
she gets out a huge cardboard box form within it, takes out a huge bag of some weird Russian sweets, as a present for us (which i am under strict instruction from my mother not to eat, because they might make me grow extra legs or some shit)
then she started to take out these long cylinder shaped parcels wrapped in newpaper and teatowels...
my mum started to unwrap them, and it became apparent that these parcels were vodka. a selection of different flavours (lemon, cherry etc etc)
there were a couple of bottles in total, and some weird jug that her mum had bought for us as a gift, which meant that her bag was pretty much full to the top... this meant that she had absolutely no room for ANY clothing whatsoever. I like to see this as a representation of russian parenting... a massive 'screw you' to western society, as russian parents obviously think 'who needs clothes, when you've got liquid warmth?!'